Hey everyone, long time no speak.
First, welcome to my brand new website. Thanks to all wifey’s hard work. What do you think? I hope you like it. And now it will be easier for me to keep on top of things, so expect my blog posts to make a return! Have a browse around and let me know what you think in the comments…
Also, I want to mention how excited I am to be performing at the RWFanfest on the 8th Feb. In case you haven’t heard of it and aren’t sure what I’m talking about, It’s a festival weekend in Burslem, Stoke on Trent, created to celebrate Robbie Williams’s 40th birthday and raise money for the Donna Louise Childrens Hospice Trust. Click on the poster below for the whole list of events taking place over the weekend of 7th – 9th February 2014.
What started out as a fairly small idea, soon mushroomed into something huge, with the local area deciding to honour Robbie by naming streets after his songs and much more.
I, and the organizers have been amazed at the response and can’t wait to see familiar faces, and meet knew ones from all around the world and the Stoke area. I’m really looking forward to performing at the Port Vale match in the afternoon of 8th Feb, and then at the Big Birthday Bash in the evening. I hope you’re all ready to have an awesome time!
Not long now! See you there!
